今月末に出荷予定の iPod Touch
“… Few will argue that Apple has over the years had some issues with
its first generation products. The latest item to fall victim to the
first generation blues is the much-hyped iPod Touch. There are many
accounts from iPod touch owners coming in citing some serious issues
with the LCD display. …”
Appleは製品の初期出荷に問題が起きることが多い。iPod Touchも例外ではなく、LCDディスプレイの深刻な問題につ
” … Black levels are easily noticeably very poor and bleed onto
other colors to the point of making images, movies and album art a
mess at times. …”
“… There is no official word from Apple on the cause of this issue
and it remains unclear at this point if the issue with black levels is
wide spread or limited to only a few of the iPod touch’s in
“… The Touch isn’t the only new iPod that has owners facing some
serious issues. Several owners of the new iPod nano are having an
issue with the alignment of the LCD screen. …”
問題が起きているのはiPod Touch だけでなく、新しいiPod Nanoの画面がケースからずれている、と何人かのユーザが報告