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FONのCEO がApple CEO スティーブ・ジョブズと接触

Steve Jobs keen on a world where people share WiFi

Apple Insider の記事よると、FONの創設者でCEOのマーティン・バーサフスキ氏が、先月初めApple CEO のスティーブ・ジョブズと接触、1時間半におよびジョブズと会談した模様。

Apple Insider 原文
12:00 PM

“Apple chief executive Steve Jobs is reportedly “very interested” in a world where people share their WiFi connections in return for free access to other wireless hotspots in their communities, and recently met with the founder of upstart provider FON, whose business aims might just dovetail with the iPhone maker…”

Apple CEOのスティーブ・ジョブズは、人々がWi-Fiを共有し合う世界にとても興味を持っているとされ、iPhoneとビジネス的ぴったりとはまるサービス、”FON”の創設者と会った。

“… Jobs had previously read about FON, the latest venture of Argentinean new media entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky, which launched in November 2005 under mantra “WiFi for everyone.” It sells routers that have been designed to enable subscribers to share their home WiFi access in a more secure manner by splitting a traditional WiFi signal into two separate channels …”



“… Appreciative of its success, Jobs expressed interest in a sit-down with Varsavsky, which eventually took place earlier this month in Jobs’ top-floor office at Apple headquarters in Cupertino…”



“…  “He was very interested in FON; the meeting went on for an hour and a half,” said Varsavsky, who described Jobs as appearing “trim” and “fit” in his ripped blue jeans and black hooded sweatshirt. “He’s extremely curious. He asks a lot of questions. He’s not the nicest guy — I mean his questions are inquisit [sic] to say the least. He’s to the point.” …”


“… “I really think [Jobs] liked the idea of FON. I think he loves the idea of a world where people share WiFi. That I could tell, ” Varsavsky said. “I think he would like for there to be an opporunity for everyone to share WiFi.”…”


既に世界最大のWi-Fiネットワークを持つFONですが、Appleとの協力が実現すれば普及に弾みがつくのは間違いないでしょう。果たして、iPod touch がどこでも使えるユビキタスな世界は実現するのか?このストーリーが今後発展することを期待します。

